History, Geography & RE
Our aims in teaching Discover are that all children will have: -
Our pupils are curious about the past. They enquire about the causes of historical events and understand the impact that these have had - cause and consequence. Through their history lessons, pupils learn the variety of ways in which the past is represented and are taught to interpret a range of sources, both primary and secondary. They develop a secure understanding of chronology. The skills acquired in history equip pupils to consider and evaluate current world events and to predict the possible effects these will have on the future.
Our pupils are responsible global citizens, who have a solid understanding of place, and appreciate and respect the diverse cultures and traditions of our world. They understand the role they play in protecting the Earth and its resources. Pupils are taught about the physical features of the Earth and about human activity, including populations, politics and economics. They can compare and contrast world locations and competently use mapping skills. Whenever possible, pupils take part in fieldwork. Pupils use their geographical skills to become active and effective members of their local and world community.
Religious Education
Through the teaching of Religious Education, our pupils are able to articulate how religious faith affects people’s lives, through sensitively asking and answering questions. They use a variety of media, such as art and drama, to enable them to find answers and to support discussions. We support children to consider the ‘Big Questions’, engage with the text and to confidently use the Religious Literacy introduced in each Key Stage. Pupils have varied opportunities to make links with the wider world and other faiths, whilst at the same time learning skills that will enable them connect Christian practices, values and beliefs to events and teaching in the Bible.