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Durham Blue Coat C.E Aided Junior School

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The Governing Body

Blue Coat C. E. Aided Junior School is distinguished by its Christian foundation and the principles that flow from this. Spiritual development forms an integral part of school life and collective worship is an essential part of the school day. We aim to distinguish ourselves by the quality of care and understanding extended to the school community.  Blue Coat C. E. Aided Junior School is committed to developing the full potential of its pupils as individuals – spiritually, emotionally and academically.


Love is at the root of all our Christian Core Values and impacts on everything that we do. We value each other and learn together to be the very best that we can, bringing communities together. As God loves us, so we love one another as a Blue Coat family.

John 13:34


Role of Foundation Governors


The inclusion of Foundation Governors on the governing bodies of both Aided and Controlled schools is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a Church school. The Foundation Governors represent the historic link with the original establishment of the school and its distinctive religious ethos.  


In most ways Foundation Governors are the same as other governors and the Diocesan Board of Education wants to ensure its Foundation Governors bring valuable skills to the running of the school which is why completion of a skills audit is required. All governors are entrusted with the responsibility for formulating policies which produce a well-managed school. Their duties cover monitoring the curriculum, finance, personnel and premises to ensure that the school functions efficiently.


Most Foundation Governors are appointed by either the Diocesan Education Board or the Parochial Church Council (PCC). This is in recognition of the fact that the PCC is the voice of the Church in the locality and the Diocesan Education Board has responsibility for formulating policies which affect all Church schools in the diocese. The exact composition of a school's governing body is determined by its Instrument of Government. Foundation Governors serve a four year term of office which may be renewable.


 In Voluntary Aided schools Foundation Governors form the majority of governors. This reflects the financial contribution made by the Church to the maintenance and improvement of the buildings, and the requirement that Voluntary Aided schools should provide Christian religious education and worship in accordance with the school's Trust Deed.


Foundation governors are responsible for ensuring the continuation of the character and ethos of the school.  The Church's interest in education stems from a philosophy that education is not just about acquiring knowledge which will enable children to earn a living in a competitive world. It begins from a position that this is God's world and everything in it has value.  Religious education is important, but it is not the only subject which reflects spiritual values. The whole curriculum is given value by being considered in this way. To quote Archbishop William Temple – ‘Education is about fullness of life’.


Foundation Governors should ensure that all people in a school are valued. Church schools do not have a monopoly on caring, but in the Church school community no one, regardless of role, should be undervalued.  Particular attention needs to be given to the admission criteria with regard to special needs policies to ensure that the school is reflecting God's love for the whole world.  Management policies need to be looked at in this light. Relationships between governors and staff are very important in this context.


Christians, worshipping together is very important. Because of the nature of their Trust Deeds, Church schools should provide worship which is in accordance with the custom and practice of the Church of England. You cannot make anyone worship, but it seems reasonable to expose children to a variety of forms of worship in a Church school. The aim should be not to produce confirmation candidates or servers for the local church, but to enrich the life of the school and church community.


In Aided schools, a diocesan RE syllabus is used. Whether the RE teaching is cross-curricular or separate, Foundation Governors can give a lead in ensuring that RE has equal resources of time and money (5% timetable for Aided Schools).



Governors make regular visits to the school, both formally and informally. A record of the visit, completed by the Governor, is kept by the Head Teacher. Below is a document detailing specific School Governor responsibilities and the Governing Body sub-committee representation.
