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Durham Blue Coat C.E Aided Junior School

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Identification and Assessment

Our SEN policy outlines our procedures for identifying those pupils who may require SEND support. Then we work through the cycle of Assess --------Plan--------Do---------Review to ensure each individual’s needs are met appropriately.

Targeted support is offered where applicable in the form of Teaching Assistants working on specific intervention programmes as well as general in-class support.

Provision for those pupils with SEND is evaluated through holding regular pupil progress reviews with staff and using data to assess their progress.

Information from parents, staff and other agencies is also used to evaluate the provision on offer. Where necessary the environment and the curriculum are adapted to best meet the needs of identified pupils.

Specialist equipment and facilities to support these pupils will be purchased when required through the use of SEN monies.

In order to fully support those with social and emotional difficulties, we offer a range of strategies including PSHE lessons, reflection opportunities during worship, buddies support work and small group provision with support staff.

Other educational provision is in the form of using the PE Premium monies to offer additional sporting activities that will enrich the experiences for the pupils and up-skill teaching staff to teach PE more effectively in the future. Through an annual audit of PE provision and expertise, we can identify if/when/how much support is being offered to SEND pupils and make adaptations accordingly.

