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Durham Blue Coat C.E Aided Junior School

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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

At Blue Coat C of E Junior School we value each other and learn together to be the best we can be.


The curriculum at Blue Coat C of E Junior School consists of significantly more than a range of subjects. It is the total planned learning experience for our young people to enable them to maximise their potential and contribute positively to society.

Our primary curriculum is designed to engage pupils and inspire them to become creative and independent thinkers with a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge.

We actively encourage pupils to get involved and contribute to the life of the school and to be active, respectful and caring members of the communities that they live in as well as thoughtful members of the global community.

We want our students to be articulate, healthy, compassionate, global citizens whilst finding their own passions.


The goals of education in our school community include:

  • Developing fun and challenging learning that create confident and enquiring individuals.
  •  Not allowing limits on the success of children or adults: everyone takes responsibility to achieve their very best.
  • Celebrating diversity, individuality and collaboration. 
  • Developing responsible members of society with strong community links.
  • Ensuring students develop key communication skills and foster creativity, a thirst for knowledge and independence.
  • Students can articulate their learning, metacognate (students speak here) - celebrate their learning with family 
  • Produce high quality work which is presented to a wide audience.


We share key beliefs about teaching and learning and how knowledge and understanding develops. These act as a guide for the consistency and distinctiveness of our school’s curriculum:

  • Pupil groupings are flexibly used to meet learning needs and are not linked to perceived ‘ability’.
  • Pedagogy is varied and matched to learning need e.g. enquiry, instruction, active, practical.
  • Philosophical enquiry is used to develop critical thinking skills.
  • Our curriculum has an ambition for high achievement, in its broadest sense, for all pupils irrespective of background and starting point.  This achievement is represented in:

Reaching high standards in all areas of the statutory curriculum, reflected in school outcomes.

  • Development of professional skills and capacity, resilience and morale in teachers and leaders, reflected in culture, ethos, retention and recruitment. 


The impact of our curriculum is systematically monitored, evaluated and reviewed by leaders and governors to meet aspirations and drive continuous improvement of the curriculum as a driver for successful outcomes for all.  Areas that are high profile for monitoring include:

  • High quality outcomes
  • Secure learning journeys
  • Equity and enrichment
Foundation Subject Milestones

Further help

If you wish to discuss any part of the curriculum please contact the school office who will arrange for you to speak to your child's class teacher, the headteacher or subject lead.  


National Curriculum

